
Academy for Holistic Healing Practitioner Training – CWRLS

Our Academy


Welcome to Our Academy, where we offer a diverse range of training programs designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to become a proficient healing practitioner. Our courses are meticulously structured to cover various aspects of holistic health and wellness. These programs are delivered through the Center for Wellness Research and Life Studies (CWRLS), a registered NGO dedicated to educational excellence in wellness and life studies.

Our Programs


Our courses are meticulously structured to cover various aspects of holistic health and wellness. These programs are delivered through the Center for Wellness Research and Life Studies (CWRLS), a registered NGO dedicated to educational excellence in wellness and life studies.

Below is a detailed overview of each of our programs:

Life & Wellness Coach Training

This comprehensive program trains you to become a certified Life and Wellness Coach. You will learn how to support clients in setting and achieving their personal and professional wellness goals. The curriculum includes motivational interviewing, goal setting, behavior change techniques, and holistic health principles. Graduates will be well-equipped to work with diverse clients to improve their health, well-being, and life satisfaction.

Yoga Teachers Training

Our Yoga Teachers Training program provides an in-depth study of yoga practices, philosophies, and teaching methodologies. You will delve into various yoga styles such as Hatha, Vinyasa, and Ashtanga, as well as anatomy, physiology, and the spiritual aspects of yoga. This course is designed to transform you into a competent and confident yoga instructor capable of leading classes and private sessions.

Ayurveda – Panchakarma Practitioner Training

This specialized training focuses on the traditional Ayurvedic detoxification processes known as Panchakarma. You will learn about the five main therapies of Panchakarma, their applications, and how to administer them. The program includes theoretical knowledge of Ayurveda, practical training, and the therapeutic benefits of detoxification, leading to improved health and vitality.

Meditation Teachers Training

Our Meditation Teachers Training program prepares you to teach meditation techniques effectively. The curriculum includes various meditation practices such as mindfulness, transcendental meditation, and guided visualization. You will learn about the benefits of meditation, how to create and lead meditation sessions, and how to help individuals manage stress and improve mental clarity through meditation.

Forest Bathing Guide

The Forest Bathing Guide program introduces you to the therapeutic practice of Shinrin-yoku, or forest bathing. You will learn how to lead individuals and groups in immersive nature experiences that promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance well-being. The training covers the principles of forest therapy, the benefits of nature immersion, and practical skills for guiding forest bathing sessions.

Retreat Leaders Workshop

This workshop equips you with the skills to design and lead wellness retreats. You will learn about retreat planning, program development, marketing, and group facilitation. The workshop covers the logistics of organizing retreats, creating transformative experiences for participants, and managing group dynamics. Graduates will be prepared to lead successful and impactful wellness retreats.

Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training

Our Shamanic Healing Practitioner Training delves into the ancient practice of shamanic healing. You will study shamanic journeying, energy work, healing rituals, and the use of natural elements in healing. The program provides a deep understanding of shamanic traditions and prepares you to assist others in their healing journeys through shamanic practices.

Energy Healing Practitioner Training

This program focuses on various energy healing modalities such as Reiki, chakra balancing, and other energy-based therapies. You will learn the principles of energy healing, how to sense and manipulate energy, and how to perform healing sessions. The training includes both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, enabling you to offer effective energy healing treatments to clients.

Sound Healing Practitioner Training

The Sound Healing Practitioner Training program explores the use of sound and vibration for healing. You will learn how to use instruments such as singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks, and the human voice to facilitate healing and relaxation. The curriculum covers the science behind sound healing, techniques for using sound in therapeutic settings, and how to conduct sound healing sessions.

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Enrollment Form

If you are interested in any of our programs, please fill out the detailed enrollment form below. Our team will contact you to provide further information and assist you with the enrollment process.

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